Pack copy generation
in just a few clicks

One-stop to legal compliance
Mandatory pack copy information, ingredients, traffic light system, allergens, nutritional and dietary claims are all captured.

Seamless label generation
Bespoke specification templates generate pack copies for approval, and once approved they can be sent straight to the printer.

One source of truth between you and your suppliers
Monitor approvals and communicate with suppliers throughout the product development lifecycle.

Get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet
Built-in reporting tools to quickly generate and share reports so you can visualise your data better.

Digital transformation
for food businesses
The features you’ve been looking for to redefine how you manage product data from supply chain to sale.
global suppliers

4,800 specifications and counting

of UK consumers expect to know precise
ingredients of the products they’re buying
Live, accurate data
Built in reporting
Complete digital transformation is only one call away
Call now: 020 7244 1900
Client stories
Be assured you’re
in good hands
Why some of the biggest names in our sector trust Assure with their food data